A1 animation World

                                            (c) by Lee


                                 From  ??? - Asia -The Earth 
                                    The Solar system 
                      The Milky Way X ?? - Universe - ???
                    Receiving the first system of signals.....

Pip....#$%$@^%%.........Pip...Pip pip...Pip pip pip....Pip pip pip pip.....Pipipipipipipipipippippip

Message from Dresden - Germany
Hi there !
I am from the blue planet in The Solar system.
May I have your attention please....I repeat.
Pay your attention....
Guess that U are..........high creature ?
Is there "anything" that sb use to call U ? In the blue planet, we call it a "name".
Now let's see. Guess that yo name is...ET...
"Nein nein"  ?
And that a strange way to begin ????  :-)


J Hey all ya  !
Certainly, A1 now is the best ...
best dance, best songs, kinda music ... active
All the cute guys ? Huh ?

So there are a lot of Web sites ...about them.
The special of this Web is 
  " Special animation Pics " EVERY WHERE
Let's begin with The Band
It's a small Game. Guess the member
... change their heads ....

I've just updated 2 special sections : 
  &  Funny Java A1
Check it !  

all the wave music format - (c) by me

Ya know, I spend much time on making all the animation Pics of my Web
All the wave music format - (c) by me

 So Please " Respect " my Copy Right.
Animation A1 World
My banner is in the links

Created at the end of 2k
Last updated on August 10 - 2K1
updated : this new skin
new secttion : videoclip-gif, Funny Java A1
Now all you are waiting for : Album VCD
PLz wait for more ani pics. 

All rights reserved by Lee